Daily Digest - June 15, 2015

“Climate change is a very serious phenomena which we need to address head on. Let us be faithful stewards of God's creation.” — Manila Area Bishop Rodolfo Juan.

United Methodists lead coastal cleanup in Philippines

PARANAQUE, Philippines (UMNS) — In observance of World Oceans Day, United Methodists led a coastal cleanup at Freedom Island, a critical habitat and eco-tourism area that is the nesting ground of fishes in Manila Bay and also serves as a bird sanctuary. Gladys P. Mangiduyos reports.
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Complaint ends against Upper New York pastor

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (UMNS) — Upper New York Area Bishop Mark J. Webb has accepted a recommendation to dismiss a complaint against a now-retired pastor who has officiated at multiple same-sex weddings, the bishop confirmed June 12. The decision to end the complaint was based in part on a recent decision by the denomination’s top court to change how complaints against clergy are processed. Heather Hahn reports.
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West Ohio reaches $3.5 million Imagine No Malaria goal

LAKESIDE CHAUTAUQUA, Ohio — The West Ohio Conference has reached – and likely surpassed – its Imagine No Malaria goal of $3.5 million. A special offering taken during the conference’s Global Praise and Worship Service on June 9 raised $403,735.
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5 local churches close in central New York

SYRACUSE, N.Y. — Five United Methodist churches in central New York State have closed or will close soon. The decisions made by local congregations were approved during the annual meeting of the church's Upper New York Conference, reports Syracuse.com.
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Commentary: Pioneering clergywoman gave moving gift

CARROLLTON, Ga. (UMNS) — When Blair Tolbert was saying goodbye to the Rev. Faith Cornwall, she didn’t know Cornwall was the first woman ordained in the Tennessee Conference. But learning that fact gave Cornwall’s gift of a red stole clergy wear during worship even more significance for Tolbert, who writes about the gift.
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History quiz: Where did the name United Methodist come from?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — How did our denomination get its name? Take our latest quiz question to see if you know the story.
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Advice for getting to know a new church

WASHINGTON (UMNS) — During a time when many pastors are arriving at new appointments, the Lewis Center for Church Leadership offers a book excerpt with suggestions for getting to know a new congregation. Robert A. Harris offers 11 questions that can open the way to powerful conversations with church members.
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A June 11 story incorrectly stated that all the officers charged in police custody deaths were white. In the death of Freddie Gray, three of the officers are African-American. United Methodist News Service regrets the error.
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Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Sunday, June 21

Western Jurisdiction United Methodist Men honor 'Man of the Year' — 4 p.m. PDT at Hollypark United Methodist Church, 13000 S. Van Ness Ave., Gardena, California. United Methodist Men will hold a Father's Day dinner and concert to honor the Rev. Orlando A. Lindo Sr., United Methodist theologian and author of "Real Men Read Jesus’ Parables." The Dozier Singers and Friends, including the local gospel group, Godspeed, will perform. $40 for adults, $75 for two tickets, 412 for children 12 and under. Proceeds benefit United Methodist Men. Reserve a seat by emailing the Rev. Larry Dozier at [email protected]

link http://www.umc.org/news-and-media/looking-ahead-upcoming-events

You can see more educational opportunities and other upcoming events in the life of the church here.

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