When will stuff happen?

One of the questions that some are starting to ask is when some of the hot button topics, most particularly the restructure issue, will likely come before the plenary session. In a conversation with GC2012 secretary Gere Reist, he confirmed that the soonest that it could be considered would be Tuesday, due to the requirement that legislation be printed in the DCA at least 24 hours before consideration. The process for consideration is that either the MFSA or CTA/IOT proposals could be pulled from the “not considered” category and brought before the conference upon obtaining 20 signatures supporting that action. The Plan B plan was never submitted as an official petition, and so the only way it could be considered is to be offered as a substitute motion in place of one of the other plans.

There is an unconfirmed rumor on the streets that supporters of the CTA/IOT proposal and Plan B are meeting tonight to determine if they can come up with some sort of compromise between the two proposals.

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The Rev. Paul W. Chilcote. Photo courtesy of the author.

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Graphic by Taylor W Burton Edwards based on The 2020/2024 Book of Discipline, Copyright 2024, United Methodist Publishing House. Used by permission.

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