Profit From Pain is Inhumane! Rally: Saturday April 28, 12:30 PM

Profit from Pain is Inhumane!Dignity Not Detention!

Saturday, April 28, 2012, 1:30-1:30 PM

Sail Pavilion, Tampa Convention Center

333 South Franklin St., Tampa, Fla.

Join the United Methodist Task Force on Immigration for a rally against the privatization of prisons, in Florida and across the United States. This rally falls on the unofficial“United Methodist Women Day”at General Conference. Hear from church and community leaders in a rally and take action to:

  • Challenge global detention policies that incarcerate hundreds of thousands of migrants around the world, including asylum seekers, laborers and children
  • Challenge the push by private prisons CCA and GEO to privatize prisons in the United States
  • Celebrate a significant step by the United Methodist Board of Pensions of the addition of a social investment screen for private prisons and the divestment from GEO and CCA
  • Celebrate the concerted advocacy of United Methodists to achieve divestment from CCA ad GEO Group and ongoing efforts to hold private prison companies accountable
  • Challenge the mass incarceration of citizen and immigrant communities of color in the United States

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The Rev. April Casperson. Courtesy of Otterbein University.

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