“It is helping to equip disciplined leaders for our church globally." — Liberia Area Bishop John Innis on the Central Conference Theological Education Fund.
GC2016: Supporting central conference clergy
DALLAS (UMNS) — Providing everything from scholarships to solar electrification of rural theological school campuses, the Central Conference Theological Education Fund is making a big difference, advocates say. The $5 million, grant-based program is up for renewal at General Conference 2016. Sam Hodges reports.
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Church offers refuge to former prostitute
YAOUNDE, Cameroon (UMNS) — After hearing former prostitute Marthe’s story of survival and redemption, 55 participants in a Peace with Justice seminar here focused on using healing language that conveys acceptance and love. In this commentary, one participant – the Rev. Collins Etchi Ako – encourages United Methodists to be agents of change.
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Shareholders target climate change
GLENVIEW, Ill. (UMNS) — During the current season of corporate annual meetings, the United Methodist Board of Pension and Health Benefits and Wespath, its investment division, are joining with other global, sustainable investors to file and support shareholder resolutions aiming to improve company responses to the threat of climate change.
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Video captures 'A Bishop’s Memories'
DALLAS (UMNS) — Retired United Methodist Bishop John Wesley Hardt, 94, tells stories of his life and ministry in “A Bishop’s Memories,” a 45-minute video interview done by Southern Methodist University. SMU’s journalism division chair, Tony Pederson, asks the questions. Hardt is an alumnus of SMU and its Perkins School of Theology.
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Looking ahead
Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.
Sunday, May 22
Heritage Sunday — The United Methodist Church celebrates Heritage Sunday on the Sunday before Aldersgate Day, May 24, when John Wesley had his spiritual rebirth. This year, United Methodists mark the 200th anniversaries of the death of Francis Asbury and the birth of sister denomination, the African Methodist Episcopal Church. The United Methodist Commission on Archives and History offers resources.
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