Daily Digest - May 27, 2015

"We’ve been praying for rain. We just didn’t want all of it to come at one time. The cost has been tremendous in property and human lives." — The Rev. Bill Henderson, superintendent of the Hill Country District, Rio Texas Conference.

United Methodist missing in floods

DALLAS (UMNS) — Flooding in south and central Texas over Memorial Day weekend forced a United Methodist couple onto the roof of their home, with the husband losing his grasp and the wife holding on and singing hymns for several hours. Larry Thomas, a member of Wimberley United Methodist Church, is among a dozen people missing. Elsewhere in south Texas, United Methodist relief efforts began and the Texas Annual Conference carried on with its annual gathering in Houston, despite flooding there. Sam Hodges reports.
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Agency urges withholding funds
from East Africa

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — The United Methodist Church’s finance agency has agreed to repay Bishop Daniel Wandabula’s salary as ordered by the denomination’s top court. But the agency’s board urged congregations and other denominational bodies to continue withholding funds from the East Africa Conference until it can ensure accountability. Heather Hahn reports.
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Churches support pledge to ban
nuclear weapons

UNITED NATIONS (WCC) — After four weeks of negotiations, the Review Conference of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ended without a formal agreement. But the World Council of Churches and some member churches are promoting the Humanitarian Pledge, now endorsed by 107 nations. The pledge promises “to fill the legal gap for the prohibition and elimination of nuclear weapons.” Emily Welty and Jonathan Frerichs have the story.
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UK Wesley-related sites get
Heritage Lottery grants

LONDON (UMNS) — Two British Methodist sites — the New Room in Bristol, known as John Wesley's chapel, and Wesley’s Chapel and the Museum of Methodism in London — have been awarded grants of about 2.6 million pounds from the Heritage Lottery Fund. The New Room received 2.5 million pounds (U.S. $3.85 million) to update existing facilities. The Museum of Methodism will use its grant of up to 98,300 pounds (U.S. $151,456) for a “World Parish” exhibition display case telling the story of the global spread of Methodism.
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Read more about HLF grant

Seminar program offers `In Focus’ introductory events

WASHINGTON (UMNS) — Deadlines are approaching for “In Focus” introductory events for youth groups and young-adult leaders of ethnic minority local churches and campus ministries on the United Methodist Seminars on National and International Affairs. The deadline for the June 24-26 "In Focus" is June 5; deadline for the July 7-9 "In Focus" is June 26.
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History quiz: What has denomination done to fight malaria?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — Imagine No Malaria has raised millions of dollars. Do you know just how much the people of The United Methodist Church have done to beat the disease?
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History of Hymns: ‘Christ Loves the Church’

DALLAS (UMNS) — In “Christ Loves the Church,” Brian Wren explores the relationship between Jesus and the church. The first stanza reminds all singers that they are covered by and saved through grace. Corrie Hermans, a Master of Sacred Music student at Perkins School of Theology, Southern Methodist University, writes about this hymn.
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Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Thursday-Saturday, May 28-30
United Methodist Women’s History: Voices Lost and Found conference — In preparation for the 150th anniversary of the United Methodist Women in 2019, Methodist Theological School in Ohio will host a conference on campus, 3081 Columbus Pike in Delaware, Ohio. A registration fee of $90 covers all conference activities, meals Friday and breakfast Saturday. One continuing education unit is available for an additional fee of $25. Details.

You can see more educational opportunities and other upcoming events in the life of the church here.

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