"From his early years as a preacher’s kid, Roger strived for little else than to serve God and his beloved church." — Robert Feaster, retired president of the United Methodist Publishing House, said of Roger L. Burgess.
United Methodist Communications leader dies at 87
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — Roger L. Burgess, a layman who had a distinguished career as leader in several international agencies of The United Methodist Church over nearly 50 years, including United Methodist Communications, died May 10. He was 87. Thomas McAnally has the story.
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More United Methodist landmarks to see
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — United Methodist church members can take pride in the people and places that connect the church across the globe. In 2014, a virtual pilgrimage showed seven sites every United Methodist should see. UMC.org readers followed up with their favorite Wesleyan wonders of the world. Lilla Marigza reports on those sites.
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United Methodist annual conferences underway
NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — United Methodists in Africa, Europe, the Philippines and the United States are preparing for — or have already attended — annual conference meetings. During these regional legislative meetings, clergy and laity elected by local churches will establish 2015 budgets, consider resolutions regarding social justice issues and recognize retiring clergy. The ordination service for clergy is a highlight of every session. UMNS posts reports from communicators on each conference.
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Pastor bringing music to Haiti
ASBURY PARK, N.J. (UMNS) — The Rev. Sony Augustin loves his native Haiti and loves music — but the pastor at First United Methodist Church here sometimes doesn’t like the music he hears during visits to his homeland. So Augustin is collecting musical instruments for schools in Haiti that he sends to the Petit-Goave and Duplan United Methodist Churches in Haiti. “When a child has a musical instrument in Haiti, it is like a gift from God to them,” Augustin said. Jeff Wolfe reports for the Greater New Jersey Conference.
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Registration open for ‘The Academy of Faith and Money’ training
ATLANTA (UMNS) — Registration is open for the Aug. 17-20 “The Academy of Faith and Money,” a four-day training for provisional members and younger clergy. Led by Horizons Stewardship and hosted by the United Methodist Higher Education and Ministry, the event will offer training for personal and church financial management, as well as consultation on educational loans repayment from student debt expert Heather Jarvis. 1.8 CEUs are available.
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Reward offered in church arsons
BROWNSVILLE, Tenn. — A $5,000 reward has been offered for information about fires that destroyed two Tennessee churches. Investigators have determined that the fires that destroyed Trinity United Methodist Church in Brownsville and a non-denominational church in Henning were arson. Brad Broders reports for localmemphis.com.
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Forum provides information about legal issues affecting the church
BALTIMORE (UMNS) — About 65 conference chancellors, treasurers and others in the United Methodist connection attended a forum that provided information about important legal topics affecting the denomination. The forum, held April 30-May 3, 2015, was hosted by the Legal Services Department of the General Council on Finance and Administration, in conjunction with the United Methodist Church Conference Chancellors’ Association.
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Looking ahead
Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.
Monday-Wednesday, May 18-20
A New Awakening, a conference on the future of the global church — United Theological Seminary in Dayton, Ohio, is partnering with Korean pastors for the conference. With the theme "Spirit Led into God's Future," conference activities will focus on the vitality of the global church in the past, present and future. Details.
You can see more educational opportunities and other upcoming events in the life of the church here.
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