Daily Digest - March 10, 2017

“The community is grateful. It was their first time to have medical mission. I saw in their faces how grateful they are after being given medical and dental services.” — Edgar Jamon, vice president of United Methodist Young Adult Fellowship.

Mobile clinic provides medical, dental care

MAKILALA, Philippines (UMNS) — The first United Methodist mobile clinic in the Philippines offers medical and dental care to people in “far-flung areas,” said United Methodist Bishop Rodolfo Juan. Gladys Mangiduyos reports. 
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Tornado damages church, pipe organ

MUSCATINE, Iowa (UMNS) — A tornado took the roof off the century-old sanctuary of Wesley United Methodist Church and collapsed the pipe organ. The storm also damaged the church’s Family Life Center, but no one was hurt. The Rev. Art McClanahan has the story and video for the Iowa Conference.
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Get ready for UMCOR Sunday 

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — The popular special Sunday observance One Great Hour of Sharing, now called UMCOR Sunday, is March 26. The offering underwrites the United Methodist Committee on Relief’s costs of doing business, which ensures that 100 percent of every gift made to a specific UMCOR project can be spent on that project. UMCOR provides humanitarian relief and disaster response to people in more than 80 countries, including the United States.
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United Methodist Men to gather in July

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — About 1,000 men are expected to come together for worship, workshops, service projects and fellowship at the National Gathering of United Methodist Men July 7-8 in Indianapolis. The event aims to inspire attendees to embrace new possibilities for ministry and discipleship.
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Baptism gown goes way back

PLANO, Texas (UMNS) — Six-month-old Payden Rose Manning was baptized recently at Christ United Methodist Church in Plano, wearing a gown purchased 150 years ago by her Methodist ancestors in England. Payden is the sixth generation and 31st infant to wear the gown. Martha Balogh reports for the North Texas Conference.
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Mississippi minister who stood against racism dies

JACKSON, Miss. — Keith Tonkel, one of 28 white United Methodist ministers who signed a statement condemning segregation and racism in the Deep South in 1963, has died. Wells United Methodist Church, where he had been pastor since 1969, announced that Tonkel, 81, died Wednesday in Jackson. Emily Wagster Pettus of the Associated Press has the story.
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Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have a United Methodist event to share, you can add it to the calendar with this submission form.

Monday, March 20-Sunday, April 2

Online workshop: Biblical Storytelling 1 — Learning the sacred stories of Scripture by heart and sharing them with others is both an ancient-future art and a powerful spiritual practice. This course’s methods are for everyone who wishes to learn, to tell and to connect with God and other people through the spiritual discipline of telling the stories of Scripture. $65. Details

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