Daily Digest - June 19, 2015

"Evil is real, and our world is still impacted by that.… The church needs to be a witness as strongly as we know how that God’s love is still prevalent and working in the world." — The Rev. Ken Nelson of the South Carolina Conference on the church shooting in Charleston, South Carolina.

United Methodists stand with AME after church shooting

CHARLESTON, S.C. (UMNS) — United Methodists across the U.S. are joining in prayer and offering whatever help they can to their African Methodist Episcopal brothers and sisters after June 17’s church shooting that killed nine. Heather Hahn and Matt Brodie report.
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United Methodists imagine new directions for denomination

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — The Love Your Neighbor Coalition has released its vision for The United Methodist Church. In the time leading up to the 2016 United Methodist General Conference, organizations, general agencies, coalitions and individuals are fine-tuning their vision for the denomination’s future. Kathy Gilbert reports.
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Pray, rally for education justice in Pennsylvania

HARRISBURG, Pa. (UMNS) — United Methodist Advocacy in Pennsylvania is urging members of the denomination to fast, pray and rally for education justice. United Methodists are invited to join interfaith advocates June 20 on the capitol steps to push for fair statewide school funding legislation. They are also asked to join in a June 24 rally, followed by visits to legislators' offices. The first rally marks the beginning of a 10-day fast and witness by people of faith while legislators debate the 2016 budget.
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Follow action at annual conferences

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — New stories this week from conference gatherings include: Florida, Louisiana, Great Plains, the Dakotas, Memphis, Peninsula-Delaware and Illinois Great Rivers. United Methodist News Service is posting reports at www.umc.org/ac2015.
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Juneteenth worship resources available

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — Juneteenth commemorates June 19, 1865, when African-Americans in Texas first learned of their freedom from slavery through the Emancipation Proclamation. President Lincoln signed the proclamation in 1863, more than two years earlier. United Methodist Discipleship Ministries offers worship resources to observe the day.
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Academy endowment renamed to honor Mogabgab

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — The Upper Room has renamed The Academy for Spiritual Formation Leadership Endowment in honor of the late John Mogabgab, who served on the initial advisory board for The Academy and was the primary architect of the two-year academy curriculum.
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Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Tuesday, June 30
Deadline for early rates for Do No Harm 2015 Conference: Best Practices for Health, Accountability and Wholeness — “Do No Harm 2015” on Thursday-Saturday, Oct. 15-17 at the Crown Plaza Hotel, Chicago O'Hare, is a sexual ethics summit addressing the most recent developments and challenges in prevention of and response to abuse, misconduct, and harassment of a sexual nature, particularly by people in ministerial roles (both lay and clergy) within The United Methodist Church. The United Methodist Commission on the Status and Role of Women is the sponsor. $450 by June 30. Details.

Wednesday, July 1
Registration deadline for The Academy of Faith and Money — This four-day training for provisional members and younger clergy will offer vital training for personal and church financial management, as well as consultation on educational loans repayment from student debt expert Heather Jarvis. Led by Horizons Stewardship and hosted by the United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry, the event is in Atlanta. 1.8 CEUs are available. Details and registration.

You can see more educational opportunities and other upcoming events in the life of the church here.

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