Daily Digest - January 19, 2016

"They were there for us, so we felt God was leading us down their path, to help them." — Cheryl Snider on Sabine Pass United Methodist Church's gift to tornado relief fund.


Tiny church returns favor

DALLAS (UMNS) — When Sabine Pass, Texas, was clobbered by hurricanes, United Methodist churches in North Texas sent team after team of relief workers. Now Sabine Pass United Methodist, which averages just 18 in worship, has answered in kind with a $4,000 check to the North Texas Conference tornado relief fund. Sam Hodges reports.
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Global Ministries to ‘break ground’ at Atlanta church

NEW YORK (UMNS) — As the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries prepares for its new home in Atlanta, a groundbreaking ceremony is set for 2 p.m. Jan. 19, at Grace United Methodist Church. In a press release, Thomas Kemper, the mission agency’s top executive, called the ceremony an opportunity for “breaking open new spaces for innovation and collaboration, deepening relationships with the church in Atlanta and embarking in new partnerships with our neighbors and local communities.” The move from New York is planned this fall.
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Anglican Communion censures Episcopal Church

CANTERBURY, England (RNS) — The Anglican Communion voted to censure its American branch, the Episcopal Church, during a meeting called to reflect on the future of the communion. The censure follows a string of Episcopal Church decisions stretching back to 2003, when it elected Gene Robinson, an openly gay man, as a bishop of New Hampshire. Kimberly Winston reports for Religion News Service.
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Observing Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

GENEVA (WCC) — Christians in Latvia prepared materials for the 2016 Week of Prayer for Christian Unity, observed in the Northern Hemisphere this week. Since 1968, liturgical and biblical resources for the week of prayer have been coordinated jointly by the World Council of Churches Commission on Faith and Order and the Roman Catholic Church through its Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity.
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Florida churches reach out to Muslims

LAKELAND, Fla. (UMNS) — Leaders of two Florida Conference churches with a history of welcoming members of the Islamic faith say getting to know people of other faiths can be an eye-opening Christian experience. Both Trinity United Methodist Church in Gainesville and St. Luke’s in Orlando have reached out to communities of faith different from their own. In some cases, it can be as simple as inviting them to a worship service or church social event. In others, it can mean pitching in with people of different beliefs on a project to better the community. Anne Dukes reports for the Florida Conference.
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Assembling UMCOR health kits at the mall

MINNETONKA, Minn. (UMNS) — While Saturday shoppers were making their way through Ridgedale Mall, they saw something a bit unusual on the lower level outside of Macy’s: tables where people of all ages were assembling health kits for refugees — and signs inviting them to join in the packing, which many did. The mission team at Messiah United Methodist Church in Plymouth came up with the idea. Christa Meland, director of communications for the Minnesota Conference, has the story.
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Emory launches integrity project

ATLANTA (UMNS) — United Methodist-related Emory University will use a $2.6 million grant from the John Templeton Foundation to launch the Emory Integrity Project. The project is a comprehensive effort to promote and develop a culture of ethics and integrity throughout Emory's undergraduate experience.
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Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Tuesday, Jan. 26
Boston University School of Theology event "The Black Church Never Left the Outdoors: Eco-Justice and Environmentalism" — 5:30 to 8 p.m. EST. Dianne Glave, coordinator of diversity development in the Western Pennsylvania Conference, will speak on the connection between African-American and pan-African traditions and earth care. The Rev. Kapya John Kaoma will be her discussion partner. The event will be 745 Commonwealth Ave. B23-B24 in Boston. Details.

You can see more educational opportunities and other upcoming events in the life of the church here.

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