"I received a gift of life . . . . All I have to do with that is simply to use that gift as God calls me to use it." — The Rev. James L. Gulley about his experience during the Haiti earthquake.
Earthquake survivor keeps commitment to Haiti
NEW YORK (UMNS) — After the Haiti earthquake in 2010, the Rev. James L. Gulley, an agricultural consultant for the United Methodist Committee on Relief, was trapped with his colleagues underneath the rubble of the Hotel Montana for more than two days. In a recent video interview, Gulley speaks about the earthquake recovery, his work and what drives his commitment.
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UMCOR Haiti: Investing in women
NEW YORK (UMNS) — Meet a few of the 700 women in Haiti who are benefiting from Strengthening Entrepreneurship and the Economy through Women’s Business Development, a program of the United Methodist Committee on Relief.
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A chaplain in hiking boots
DAMASCUS, Virginia (UMNS) — At an age when many people kick back in retirement, Dave Smith went on his own "Wild"-like adventure, hiking the entire Appalachian Trail. Though not a pastor, Smith served as the Holston Conference's chaplain on the trail, offering counsel and friendship to fellow hikers.
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United Methodist layman to meet Pope Francis
MANILA, Philippines (UMNS) — A United Methodist layman will be among 10 religious leaders and peace advocates from various denominations meeting with Pope Francis during his visit here. Gladys P. Mangiduyos reports.
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Think bigger: The challenge of reaching millennials
WASHINGTON (UMNS) — “Finding ways to engage millennials and the younger generations that follow in their wake is the single, biggest challenge confronting the church (and the seminary)," writes David McAllister-Wilson, president of Wesley Theological Seminary, a United Methodist seminary. His campus convened a recent symposium that drew youth and young adult ministry leaders who shared their ideas.
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How Human Relations Day helps local church
CHESTER, Pa. (UMNS) — Hoping youth would consider careers in science, aviation, engineering, computer programming and education, Grace Community United Methodist Church started a youth program based on motor sports. A grant funded by the denomination’s Human Relations Day offering, taken on Jan. 18 this year, gave the program vroom to grow.
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Conference seeks dialogue between police, black citizens
RALEIGH, N.C. (UMNS) — Bishop Hope Morgan Ward and the Rev. Chris Brady recently spoke on television station WNCN about a North Carolina Conference event called "Sacred Conversations: Because Black Lives Matter." Ward and Brady hope the Jan. 28 gathering will be a safe place for candid conversation by police and African-American citizens.
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Fire destroys Tennessee church
BROWNSVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — Fire completely destroyed the sanctuary, Sunday school rooms and fellowship hall of Trinity United Methodist Church. Lane Gardner Camp reports for the Memphis Conference.
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Looking ahead
Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.
Monday, Jan. 19
Martin Luther King Day — United Methodist Discipleship Ministries offers resources for celebrating the life of the famed civil rights leader and minister, including his favorite hymn.
Thursday, Jan. 22
Climate Conversations — 7-9 p.m. EST. The Theological Commons at Methodist Theological School in Ohio will host a public Climate Conversation, presented by Ohio Interfaith Power and Light, Alford Centrum on the MTSO campus, 3081 Columbus Pike in Delaware, Ohio. The event is free but those who plan to participate are asked to register in advance. Details.
You can see more educational opportunities and other upcoming events in the life of the church here.
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