WCC expresses ‘grave concern’ for Christians in Sudan

The World Council of Churches just issued a press release regarding increasing attacks on Christians in Sudan: In a joint statement, the World Council of Churches and the All Africa Conference of Churches have expressed "grave concern over the increasing incidents of attacks on Christians and destruction of church property in Sudan". The councils report the public burning of Bibles and occupation by government forces of buildings housing the Sudan Council of Churches and Sudan Aid in Dafur province. The statement concludes, "We call on the international community to put pressure on the government of Sudan to respect the freedom of religion and protect Christians and all other religious minorities in Sudan. We call on Christians around the world to pray for their fellow Christians in Sudan who are going through very difficult times and are not able to practice their faith in freedom." Read full text of the WCC and the AACC joint statement on Sudan: http://lists.wcc-coe.org/ct.html?rtr=on&s=jazjt,ebsl,usx,7f8d,hbqs,ladi,6z1v All Africa Conference of Churches: http://lists.wcc-coe.org/ct.html?rtr=on&s=jazjt,ebsl,usx,8tlu,6s41,ladi,6z1v WCC member churches in Africa: http://lists.wcc-coe.org/ct.html?rtr=on&s=jazjt,ebsl,usx,9ryr,78xm,ladi,6z1v  

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