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Tuesday, October 16, 2012 | |||||
"It is a way of this church participating in the community in which we live for the betterment of the community. A stronger community means that there is a greater opportunity for a stronger church." - The Rev. Blaine Scott, First United Methodist Church, Grand Junction, Colo. UMTV: Church rethinks school lunchesGRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (UMNS) - A Colorado congregation has found a creative way to welcome the neighborhood to church. Church members provide a hot meal every Friday because the school has no cafeteria, only a vending machine. Young people come for free lunches and encouragement from people who care. Mountain Sky Mission to AngolaBOM JESUS, Angola (UMNS) - After 24 hours of travel, Mountain Sky travelers arrived in Luanda, Angola, on the evening of Oct. 11, ate dinner, slept a good night and awoke to breakfast at 7 and departure at 7:30 a.m. for Bom Jesus, writes Bishop Elaine Stanovsky of the Denver Area. "Malaria is the first cause of death in Bom Jesus. And it is PREVENTABLE; TREATABLE; AND BEATABLE. Our mission: to help eradicate malaria as a killer in Bom Jesus." Liberian president reports malaria control progressNEW YORK (UMNS) - Liberia's President Ellen Johnson Sirleaf talked about a 33 percent decrease in malaria deaths in Africa over the past decade in a recent speech to the United Nations Secretary-General's Every Woman Every Child Dinner. However, as reports, Johnson Sirleaf, a United Methodist, also warned that the global funding crisis threatens the successes. HUNGER ACTION: A tale of two churchesLAKELAND, Fla. (UMNS) - For many children, summer is a happy time, full of fun. For others, it is a time to hunger, not only for food, but also for something to nurture their spirits. This past summer, two small churches, with the help of neighboring congregations, put their resources, volunteers and hearts into action to make a big difference in the lives of local children. Writing for the Florida Annual (regional) Conference, Anne Dukes explains what they did. Bishop faults jurisdiction's gay issue standINDIANAPOLIS (UMNS) - Indiana Area Bishop Michael J. Coyner has identified what he sees as flaws in the Western Jurisdiction's stand against The United Methodist Church's teaching on homosexuality. In his Oct. 15 E-pistle to the Indiana Annual (regional) Conference, Coyner took exception to the Western Jurisdiction's actions in three ways. Ads go up in D.C. Metro stationsWASHINGTON (UMNS) - United Methodist Women and the United Methodist Board of Church and Society are among the organizations supporting billboards in three D.C. metro stations in response to an advertising campaign that they consider to be anti-Muslim. The ads, arranged by Shoulder to Shoulder, are similar to those sponsored by United Methodist Women in the New York subway system. UMCOR fills new senior executive positionNEW YORK (UMNS) - Melissa Crutchfield, a staff executive with the United Methodist Committee on Relief, has been named to a new senior position overseeing international development and global health. | |||||
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