Daily Digest - November 07, 2013

"You don't see those glimmers of light. All the average person sees is the darkness. Our eyes see the possibilities and the goodness." - The Rev. Annie Allen of Turning Point United Methodist Church, talking about her church's work with the poor of Trenton, N.J.

3 United Methodists elected to WCC Central Committee

BUSAN, Korea (UMNS) - Three United Methodists - Bishop Mary Ann Swenson, Bishop Sally Dyck and Cynthia Kent - are part of the newly elected Central Committee of the World Council of Churches but the denomination's representation has dropped from 5 to 3 seats.
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Join the 2014 Wesley Pilgrimage in England

LONDON (UMNS) - Immerse yourself in the Christ-centered leadership of John and Charles Wesley through a 10-day adventure in the England of the Wesleys. The Wesley Pilgrimage in England will be July 14-24, 2014, and is open to all United Methodist lay and clergy leaders.
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New pastor looks to help Trenton's poor

TRENTON, N.J. (UMNS) - At Turning Point United Methodist Church, there are hot meals for the hungry, roundtables for women and after-school programs for children - and for the downtrodden there is hope. NJ.com reports that the new pastor, the Rev. Annie Allen, and the church have taken on an increasingly involved role in reaching out to the city's poor in spirit.
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Pastor visits Jordan to help Syrian refugees

RAPID CITY, S.D. (UMNS) - Grace United Methodist Church pastor, the Rev.Karl Kroger, traveled to the Middle East about five years ago and has felt connected to the area ever since. The Rapid City Journal reports that this summer, the Piedmont man decided to do something to help those in the conflict area. With students from Bethlehem Bible School, he visited some of the 5,000 Syrian families that have crossed the border there, listening to stories of pain and suffering caused by war, delivering supplies ranging from foam mattresses to food and cooking supplies, and praying with, and for, the refugees.
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Church bags 120,000 meals for hungry

CLOVIS, Calif. (UMNS) - Members of Memorial United Methodist Church in Clovis, Calif., wanted to celebrate the congregation's 120th anniversary. And what better way to celebrate than following Jesus' command and bagging more than 120,000 meals for the hungry? The Fresno Bee has the story.
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Hate the sin but love the sinner &ellipsis; stuff Jesus never said

MACON, Ga. (UMNS) - The Rev. Ben Gosden, associate pastor of Mulberry Street United Methodist Church, reflects on why it's time to rethink this oft-used phrase from St. Augustine.
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Celebrate the contributions of Native Americans

SYRACUSE, N.Y. (UMNS) - In celebration of Native American Heritage month, Blenda Smith, communications coordinator for the Upper New York Conference Committee on Native American Ministry, writes that now "is great time to celebrate the legacy of Native American traditions and gifts to our present culture and country." She offers United Methodist and other resources to do so.
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