Daily Digest - November 04, 2013

"Students on college campuses might not call it bullying because they think bullying is just a child's thing. Instead, they may refer to it as 'drama,' but no matter what label they give it, it ends up with one person constantly going out of their way to make another person miserable." - Brent Harger, assistant professor of sociology at United Methodist-related Albright College.

United Methodist campuses fight bullying

READING, Pa. (UMNS) - When kids are younger, meanness might be limited to calling names or stealing money, but the nastiness can escalate in college, especially when bullies use smartphones, social media, text messages, emails and instant messages to be cruel. A 2008 study at Union College in Schenectady, N.Y., found 82 percent of students surveyed had witnessed bullying on campus. United Methodist schools have zero tolerance for bullying and are working to address the causes.
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Girls learning to feel worthy, have worthy lives

BALTIMORE (UMNS) - Worthy Girls, Worthy Lives is helping Ariel Gilliam, a shy 8-year-old, learn to be more confident and resist bullying. The program is one of two innovative local ministries launched in 2013 and resourced through a new collaborative initiative called Spark12, a pilot incubator program and collaborative effort of several United Methodist agencies.
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Resource list, sample anti-bullying policies

Illinois church helps heal parents who lost infants

HINSDALE, Ill. (UMNS) - The name of each baby who died is read aloud as a family member pins a white felt dove with the name of the child on it to a large banner. "That's my favorite part," said Dawn Rubio, whose son Jack died in 2003 when he was 6 days old. "We are never going to hear his name when he graduates or gets an award. But when I come here, they say his name and that's the only time I am going to hear his name said aloud in public." The Chicago Sun-Times tells how suburban Hinsdale United Methodist Church helps parents who have lost children through its Still Missed Memorial Service.
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Nebraska pastor practices, preaches healthy living

NORTH OMAHA, Neb. (UMNS) - About three years ago, the Rev. Portia Cavitt ramped up the wellness program at Clair Memorial United Methodist Church to get more people interested in health and fitness. What she didn't realize was that what she helped start would contribute to her loss of 30 pounds. Omaha.com tells how this pastor has helped to improve lives, especially those of African Americans in her congregation.
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WCC assembly includes 21 ecumenical conversations

BUSAN, Korea (UMNS) - One of the 21 ecumenical conversations taking place throughout the World Council of Churches 10th Assembly is focusing on human security as a way of understanding global vulnerabilities. The Rev. Liberato Bautista, an executive with the United Methodist Board of Church and Society, is a resource person for the committee.
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Correction: An item in the Nov. 1 Daily Digest about the World Council of Churches assembly should have referred to it as the first assembly to be held in northeast Asia, not Asia.

Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share with others, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Free webinar "Exploring the Bible through Multiple Intelligences," Tuesday, Nov. 5 - 6:30 p.m. CT, applying work of Harvard University's Howard Gardner to Bible study. To register.

Free webinar "Children and Worship: The Conversation Continues," Thursday, Nov. 7 - 10 a.m. CT. How did Jesus address children in worship? How should we address that ongoing question of whether children should worship with the gathered body? To register.

Free webinar "Developing Your Ministry Plan 3: Discovering your Discipleship Process," Thursday, Nov. 7 - 6:30 p.m. CT. This session will focus on four key areas of congregational life: values, small groups, worship and preaching. To register.

In Mission Together, Thursday-Saturday, Nov. 7-9 - The United Methodist Board of Global Ministries will hold 50/50 Partnership Roundtable for United Methodists in the U.S., Eastern Europe and the Balkans. The gathering is at Cheviot United Methodist Church in Cincinnati, Ohio. Details.

Red Bird Mission Appalachian Craft Fair, Saturday, November 9 - 9 a.m.-2 p.m. ET, Bethel United Methodist Church-Chewsville, 21006 Twin Springs Dr., Smithsburg, Md. Details.

Spirituality of Advent Retreat, Saturday, Nov. 9 - 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. CT, Scarritt-Bennett Center, Nashville, Tenn. $25. Details.

International Day to Pray for the Persecuted Church, Sunday, Nov. 10 - Prayer resources from the United Methodist Board of Discipleship.

Veterans Day or Armistice Day, Monday, Nov.11 - Resources for honoring military veterans, from United Methodist Communicationsand from United Methodist Board of Discipleship.

Workshop on Advocacy, Tuesday-Thursday, Nov. 12-14 - Training for anyone asked to be an advocate for a pastor or lay person. To register and learn the cost and location, contact the Rev. Jerry Eckert of Associates in Advocacy at [email protected]. Registration limited.

Free webinar"Creating Sacred Spaces and Praying through Our Senses," Thursday, Nov. 14 -7 p.m. CT. The final offering in the "Teach Us to Pray" series will look at the value of creating set-aside space for prayer and devotional time. As Advent approaches, the webinar also will look at how icons and other visual images, music and incense can enrich Christians' experience of drawing nearer to God through prayer. Details.

Free webinar "How We Handle Money in the Church," Thursday, Nov. 14 - 6:30 p.m. CT. Every church that has had a crisis of financial impropriety thought what it was doing was fine until the day the impropriety was discovered. What's your church's policy for handing the gifts people entrust to you? To register.

"Day1," Sundays, Nov. 17 and 24 - The Rev. Amy L. Gearhart, senior pastor of Missouri United Methodist Church in Columbia, will be the featured speaker on the nationally syndicated radio program "Day1." To listen.

Free webinar "Using Children's Literature in Children's Ministry," Tuesday, Nov. 19 - 10 a.m. CT. Children's ministers from across the connection will discuss ways to incorporate children's literature in Sunday school, weekday ministries, small groups, nursery and other activities in the church. To register.

Free webinar "Maximizing the Mission Through Debt Reduction," Wednesday, Nov. 20 - 3 p.m. CT, covers specific steps taken by Ceta Canyon Camp leaders and stakeholders that turned around a $1.4 million debt. To register.

United Methodist Student Day, Sunday, Nov. 24 - Celebrate the United Methodist college and university students in your church. Offerings for this Special Sunday supports scholarships and loans for students attending United Methodist-related and other accredited colleges and universities. To learn more.

Thanksgiving, Thursday, Nov. 28 - Worship resources from the United Methodist Board of Discipleship.

Online course "Behold! Cultivating Attentiveness in the Season of Advent," Dec. 1-25 - eRetreat featuring Pamela Hawkins's Advent resource "Behold! Cultivating Attentiveness in the Season of Advent," presented by Upper Room eLearning and BeADisciple, $40. Details.

Online course "The Uncluttered Heart: Making Room for God during Advent and Christmas," Dec. 1 Jan. 5, 2014 - eRetreat offers guided reflection through the weeks of Advent on through Epiphany. Each day provides a quotation, scripture passage, reflection, prayer. This online retreat is presented by Upper Room eLearning and BeADisciple, $40. Details.

#GivingTuesday, Dec. 3 - United Methodists are invited to participate in #GivingTuesday, when every gift made online through the The Advance will be matched dollar for dollar up to $500,000 total and $50,000 for any one project. Visit umcmission.org/give.

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