Missionary Tshala Mwengo Died in Bus Accident

…neither death, nor life…will be able to separate us from the love of God in Christ Jesus our Lord. (Romans 8:38-39) 

With deep sadness, the General Board of Global Ministries reports that Tshala Mwengo, a United Methodist missionary, died today from injuries sustained in a bus accident.

General Secretary Thomas Kemper gave thanks for the life and service of Mwengo, who was originally from Democratic Republic of the Congo.  “I am thankful for the faithful ministries of Tshala, who had a strong commitment to agriculture and evangelism,” he said. “This kind of unexpected loss is a tragedy and a reminder that even in the 21st century, mission can be a dangerous calling.”

A graduate of Africa University, Mwengo served as the director of the Mujila Falls Agricultural Project in Mwinilunga, Zambia. He was on the way to purchase poultry feed yesterday when, according to a news release from the Lusaka Times, the bus travelling from Mwinilunga to Solwezi plunged into Kabompo River. Mwengo was being treated for his injuries at Mwinilunga Hospital. His friend and colleague, missionary Paul Webster, was with him at the hospital when Mwengo died.

Kemper said, “We ask for prayers for Tshala’s wife Betty, their two children, and the communities that mourn this sad loss.”

Media contact: Melissa Hinnen, director of content and public information for the United Methodist General Board of Global Ministries.


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