Today I got into a discussion I do not understand. The discussion was about: “does Jesus love all people?” This made me a bit surprised, angry and sad. If Jesus does not love all human beings – have the Norwegian UMC tricked me?
Do I have to call my mum and dad and say to them they what they learned me was wrong?
Do I have to call my bishop and say he is preaching lies?
At Sunday school I learned it for the first time as a little child:Jesus loves everyone. E-V-E-R-Y-O-N-E! We sang a song, and here in America you have a similar song: “Jesus loves me that I know, ’cause the Bible tells me so.” Or do we have to tell some of our children “Sorry, Jesus loves everyone, just not you“?
I think the matter is rather simple: No matter what you do, Jesus loves you! No matter who you are, Jesus loves you! That doesn`t mean we can do what we want and use this as an excuse, but it means that no matter how your life turns out – Jesus loves you!
So, WWJL? Who Would Jesus Love?
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