Daily Digest: May 06, 2013

"We see how undocumented immigrants - many of whom live with family here that are documented - live in fear of calling police for help, of leaving their house, of talking to others. They are relegated to a way of life that keeps communities from thriving." - Rob Rutland-Brown, executive director of National Justice for Our Neighbors.

United Methodists monitor immigration bill

WASHINGTON (UMNS) - United Methodist advocates for immigration reform are watching the Senate closely as it starts amending the immigration reform bill introduced April 16, to ensure family reunification and humane treatment of the undocumented are high on the priority list.
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United Methodists prep for annual conference

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) - United Methodists in Africa, Europe, the Philippines and the United States are packing their suitcases, gathering their Books of Discipline and perusing reams of documents as they prepare for days of deliberation and celebration. It's annual conference time, and proposed amendments to the denomination's constitution are on the agenda.
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Seven steps for vital older adult ministry

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) - Churches genuinely concerned about the faith development of all God's people will want to be intentional in developing vital ministry by, with and for older adults. The Rev. Richard H. Gentzler Jr., director of the Center on Aging and Older Adult Ministries at the United Methodist Board of Discipleship, shares seven steps to reach older adults.
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Would the church accept Jason Collins?

SEATTLE (UMNS) - Patrick Scriven, director of communications and young people's ministries for the Pacific Northwest Annual (regional) Conference, wonders what lessons The United Methodist Church might take from the way the NBA addressed a gay player's public declaration.
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Correction: Bishops hold 2nd consecutive closed meeting

The United Methodist Church has 46 active bishops in the United States. A story on the Forum of Residential Bishops meeting taking place in San Diego inadvertently listed the wrong number. United Methodist News Service regrets the error.
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Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share with others, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Older Adult Recognition Sunday, any Sunday in May - Resources compiled by the Virginia Annual (regional) Conference.

Free webinar "Has God Been Invited to the Conversation?" May 9 - 6:30 p.m. CT, help with church and community prayer from the United Methodist Board of Discipleship. 

Ascension Day, May 9 - Celebrate Christ's Ascension with resources from the United Methodist Board of Discipleship.

Mother's Day, May 12 - Imagine No Malaria provides offering envelopes, posters and bulletin inserts to prepare for special offerings on Mother's Day to benefit the campaign, which has significant impact on the lives of mothers and childrenDetails.

Free webinar "Gen2Gen: Sharing Jesus Across the Generations," May 14 - 6:30 p.m. CT, from the United Methodist Board of Discipleship.

Korea Peace Conference, May 15-17 - Korean United Methodist Church of Atlanta, 3205 Pleasant Hill Road, Duluth, Ga., a forum for church leaders from North America and South Korea to engage in dialogue and reassess the current situations on the issues related to the two Koreas. To register, contact the Rev. Jong Sung Kim at the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries at (212) 870-3955 or [email protected]

Free webinar "Committed to Christ: Six Steps to a Generous Life," May 16 - 6:30 p.m. CT, help with stewardship from the United Methodist Board of Discipleship. 

Bishop's Convocation on Prayer, May 18 - Workshops on prayer life. Dwight Judy, professor emeritus of spiritual formation at Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary, will provide keynote address on "A Quiet Pentecost: Inviting the Spirit into Congregational Life." Cost is $10. To register.

Change the World, May 18-19 - Join the United Methodist Rethink Church event that helps build community locally and fight malaria globally. Details.

Pentecost, May 19 - Celebrate the birthday of the Christian church with resources from the Board of Discipleshipand the United Methodist Publishing House's Ministry Matters.

"Day1," May 19 - The Rev.Hal Brady, a United Methodist and executive director of Hal Brady Ministries based in Atlanta, Ga., is the featured speaker for Pentecost on the "Day1" radio program. To access online

Family Weekend, May 24-26 - The Hinton Rural Life Center, Hayesville, N.C. Details.

Free webinar "Spiritual Development in the Early Years," May 22 - 10 a.m. CT, tips on the spiritual development of children from birth to 5 from the United Methodist Board of Discipleship. 

Peace with Justice Sunday, May 26 - One of the churchwide special Sundays, it provides financial support programs that advocate for peace and justice in annual (regional) conferences and around the globe. Resources.

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