Daily Digest: May 01, 2013

"What happened in Boston and in Oklahoma City, they're so related. It kind of felt like a completion to the Boston Marathon, too." - Diane Sherer, who ran in the Boston and Oklahoma City Memorial marathons.

Rural ministry in Alabama wins national honor

WASHINGTON (UMNS) - During the annual Make A Difference Day Awards luncheon April 25 in Washington, the members of Alabama Rural Ministry, a volunteer ministry of the Alabama-West Florida Annual (regional) Conference, were hailed for "putting their faith into action" for orchestrating the work of 72 volunteers in dozens of projects in Tuskegee, 28 miles away from its headquarters. The Rev.Maidstone Mulenga has the story.

Make A Difference Day is a national day of helping others, observed on the fourth Saturday of every October. Alabama Rural Ministry was among 14 honorees to receive a $10,000 donation from Newman's Own to continue their good work.
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From Boston to Oklahoma City, a race finished

OKLAHOMA CITY (UMNS) "I just want to finish," says Texas runner Diane Sherer, 51. "Just to show people you can get up and go on." Recently, Oklahoma City Memorial Marathon organizers invited the runners who didn't finish in Boston to come to their city and run with no registration fees. Sherer was half a mile away from the finish line when the bombs went off. On April 27, the Rev. Mark McAdow, pastor of First United Methodist Church, Oklahoma City, blessed Sherer's running shoes.
ESPN tells the story

Church started by lay couple celebrates anniversary

OAKHURST, Calif. (UMNS) - Ken and Debbie Garner approached retired Bishop Beverly J. Shamana in 2001 about the lack of a United Methodist presence in their Oakhurst community after hearing her preach at an event. New Community United Methodist Church, which they started, recently celebrated its 10th anniversary. The Rev. Larry R. Hygh Jr., director of communications in the California-Nevada Annual (regional) Conference, shares the church's story.
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Global Young People's event goes to the Philippines

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) - Young People's Ministries of the United Methodist Board of Discipleship is hosting the Global Young People's Convocation and Legislative Assembly in Tagaytay, Luzon, The Philippines, July 16-20, 2014. The assembly is a quadrennial global event designed to celebrate the mission and vitality of young people in The United Methodist Church.
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Southern Poverty Law Center gives collection to Duke

DURHAM, N.C. (UMNS) - The Southern Poverty Law Center's Intelligence Project has donated its extensive collection of materials documenting extremist and hate groups in the United States to the David M. Rubenstein Rare Book & Manuscript Library at Duke University. The collection will be added to the library's Human Rights Archive, which includes materials documenting the Ku Klux Klan from the 1860s to the present day.

UMNS focuses on mental health

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) May is Mental Health Awareness Month. Just as Jesus healed people struggling with mental, emotional and physical ailments, United Methodists reach out to their sisters and brothers who seek healing. United Methodist News Service will be sharing stories of individuals and congregations tackling the challenges of mental health through a variety of ministries throughout this month.

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