Daily Digest: August 12, 2013

"We had more volunteers than we could have even hoped to have. We stepped out on faith honestly, really believing the money would come, but would the people come? And they did." - Virginia Crews, whose 13-year-old son, Davis, helped organize a Stop Hunger Now packaging event.

Tackling hunger 'hands-on' at annual conference

FLORENCE, S. C. (UMNS) - This year, 10 United Methodist conferences packed 680,000 meals for Stop Hunger Now during their annual sessions. Here's how the events made a difference.
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Serving the needs of social justice in Congo

KINSHASA, Democratic Republic of the Congo (UMNS) - Promoting physical and mental health is something The United Methodist Church feels called to do in a country that continues to see armed conflict, malaria and other traumas. Staff from the United Methodist Board of Church and Society recently visited Congo where they met with government officials, led training and offered church support.
Church official: In Congo, every day is 9/11
Reaching out to rape survivors in Congo
Expert: Treatment necessary to break malaria cycle
Working for social justice in East Congo

Worst (and best) disaster donations ever

NEW YORK (UMNS) -What were they thinking? Some donations sent to disaster areas, such as fur coats to Florida hurricane survivors, are hard to fathom. Susan Kim offers advice from the United Methodist Committee on Relief, along with a few "best" and "worst" examples.
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Syrian bishops still missing

ALEPPO, Syria (UMNS) -Metropolitan Mar Gregorios Yohanna Ibrahim, the Syrian Orthodox Archbishop of Aleppo, and Metropolitan Boulous Yazigi, the Greek Orthodox Bishop of Aleppo, remain in kidnappers' hands despite ongoing pleas and prayers by church groups around the world.
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Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share with others, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Missionary commissioning, Aug. 12 - 11:30 ET, United Methodist Board of Global Ministries will commission 29 young adults as US-2s and mission interns, live online at www.umcmission.org.

Deadline for early-bird registration for "JustPeace101," Aug. 20 - Oct. 31-Nov. 2, event discussing the theory, theology, principles and practices of conflict transformation. led by JustPeace, The United Methodist Church's Center for Conflict Transformation, in Nashville, Tenn. Details.

The Reconciliation Story: Conflict Resolution in Small Congregations, Aug. 22-24 - Workshop led by Mary Ann Lawson and Marion Crooks at Hinton Rural Life Center, Hayesville, N.C. Details on PDF.

Free webinar "Safe Sanctuaries: Children, Teachers and Media" Aug. 22 - 10 a.m. CT, webinar from United Methodist Board of Discipleship looks at how, in a rapidly evolving media world, teachers and other adults can protect children from abuse.

Free webinar "Generosity in Emerging Generations," Aug. 22 - 6:30 p.m. CT, examining how emerging generations make decisions about generosity, from the United Methodist Board of Discipleship.

Free webinar "Charting a Course for Discipleship," Aug. 27 - 6:30 p.m. CT, how to develop a pathway to help adults deepen their Christian discipleship, from the United Methodist Board of Discipleship.

50th anniversary celebrations of the March on Washington, Aug. 24 and Aug, 28 - United Methodists from across the United States will go to the National Mall in Washington to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the March on Washington for Jobs and Freedom, where the Rev. Martin Luther King Jr. delivered his "I Have a Dream" speech. For Aug. 24 festivities, details.For Aug. 28 festivities, details.

Deadline to register for Welcoming Ministry 100 online course, Aug. 28 - Sept. 4-Oct. 16, help for becoming welcoming and hospitable congregations, sponsored by United Methodist Communications.$29.99.

Deadline to register for Web Ministry 100 online course, Aug. 28 - Sept. 4-Oct. 16, help using the web in theologically sound ways to reach new people and cultivate relationships, sponsored by United Methodist Communications. $49.99.

Churchquake, Reconciling Ministries Network convocation, Aug. 30-Sept. 2 - Gathering by unofficial United Methodist caucus that advocates for greater inclusion of gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people in the church. Details.

"Day 1," Sept. 1 - The Rev. Sam Matthews, senior minister, First United Methodist Church, Marietta, Ga., will be the featured speaker on the nationally syndicated radio program "Day 1." To listen.

"Day 1," Sept. 8 - The Rev. Elaine Wilder, associate minister, First United Methodist Church, Marietta, Ga., will be the featured speaker on the nationally syndicated radio program "Day 1." To listen.

Free webinar "Creative Thinking in Faith Formation: An Ancient/Future Approach," Sept. 17 - 6:30 p.m. CT, learning strategies for teaching adults using an exploration of Jesus' teaching methods, from the United Methodist Board of Discipleship.

United Methodist Church of the Resurrection Leadership Institute, Sept. 25-27 - Registration open now for event aimed at helping leaders renew churches. Details.

Northeastern Jurisdiction Native American Ministries Committee meeting, Oct. 10-12 - Event at Drew University, Madison, N.J., offers discussions of ministry and concerns of Native peoples, as well as time for fellowship. To learn more or register, email Sharon Schmit at [email protected].

Revitup! Event for young clergy, Oct. 28-30 - Event for clergy ages 25-39 in Atlanta, sponsored by the United Methodist Board of Pension and Health Benefits. Aims to help clergy manage debt and set boundaries. Details.

Reach New Disciples Conference, Nov. 2 - 9:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. ET, Wesley Theological Seminary's Lewis Center for Church Leadership, Washington. Details.


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