Daily Digest - May 18, 2015

“(Nikolaus Ludwig von) Zinzendorf, in my opinion, was an amazing sociologist before sociology was invented.” — Moravian pastor Jill Vogt on a church leader who influenced John Wesley.

A little-known big influence on John Wesley

HERRNHUT, Germany (UMNS) — John Wesley’s spiritual awakening on May 24, 1738, was a turning point in his ministry, and it arguably would not have happened without the Moravians. Who are the Moravians? A group of bishops and their ecumenical staff recently visited the Protestant denomination’s home base in southeastern Germany to learn more about the Wesleyan-Moravian connection. Heather Hahn reports.
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Clergywomen explore women’s issues on Cuba visit

HAVANA, Cuba (UMNS) — As official relations between the U.S. and Cuba continue to change this spring, a diverse group of 16 United Methodist clergywomen traveled to the island to explore Cuban women’s social, political and religious issues and the unique evolution of the Cuban Christian church. The seminar was sponsored by the United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry and Boston University School of Theology. Mary Buckner has the story.
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Reaching out with a bilingual service

ROCKAWAY, N.J. (UMNS) — When Lysette Perez became the senior pastor at the United Methodist Church of The Rockaways, she noticed the area had a growing Hispanic community. Jeff Wolfe of the Greater New Jersey Conference reports how the church is reaching new people.
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Blessing bestowed on new missionaries

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — Following three weeks of intensive training, 12 of the 13 new missionaries with the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries received a blessing as they prepared to live out their calling. The missionaries will be commissioned during annual conferences sessions. Laura K. Wise reports.
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Try to humanize, not demonize

WASHINGTON (UMNS) — A gracious response by Mo’ne Davis — who impressed many with her 80 mile-an-hour fastball in the Little League World Series — to an offensive comment reminds us that people are not beyond redemption or restoration, even those who have committed crimes, writes Bill Mefford, United Methodist Board of Church and Society, in a commentary.
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Coming this week: The struggle to recover from Ebola

The United Methodist Church in West Africa has been on the frontlines of the fight against Ebola since the outbreak began in May 2014. As the deadly virus shows signs of retreating, United Methodist News Service visited Sierra Leone. Jan Snider's four-part special report begins May 18 with stories and video.

Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Saturday, May 23
Wesley Festival Gala Concert — The event at 8 p.m. EDT at the Kennedy Center in Washington will feature choirs and singers from across the country and benefit Imagine No Malaria. Tickets are on sale. Details

You can see more educational opportunities and other upcoming events in the life of the church here.

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