Daily Digest - February 10, 2015

"I had to come forward to take it since it is my duty to encourage people to volunteer their services in participating in this Ebola trial vaccine process." — Dr. Francis Kateh on his decision to take an experimental vaccine.

United Methodist doctor gets trial Ebola vaccine

MONROVIA, Liberia (UMNS) — A United Methodist doctor took the trial Ebola vaccine because he wanted to encourage others to volunteer. Dr. Francis Kateh, a former administrator of the Ganta United Methodist Hospital, was among 12 volunteers who took the vaccine as the first large-scale trials of two experimental vaccines against the deadly virus began in Liberia. Julu Swen reports.
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Five new bishops proposed for Africa

MAPUTO, Mozambique (UMNS) — Africa will have five new bishops in 2021 if General Conference approves. The Standing Committee on Central Conference Matters recommended the change after a team evaluating three episcopal areas — in North Katanga, South Congo and Zimbabwe — reported that the overall need in Africa reaches far beyond what was anticipated.
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Report looks at children raised ‘without church or God’

LAKE JUNALUSKA, N.C. (UMNS) — In a report for the World Methodist Council, Sarah Friswel of the Methodist Church in Britain touches upon the notion of a "missing generation" of children brought up without church or God in their lives. The report is titled "Nurturing Children of Unchurched Parents."
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Prayer for Black History Month

WASHINGTON (UMNS) — To commemorate Black History Month, retired Bishop Forrest Stith recently wrote this prayer as part of a Feb. 1 celebration of the Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper at Asbury United Methodist Church.
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The why and wherefore of Ash Wednesday

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — The imposition of ashes on the first day of Lent reminds us of our mortality but also that we are "God's good creation," writes Joe Iovino in a UMC.org feature. He notes that observance of Ash Wednesday is growing, with some United Methodist pastors administering ashes outside the church walls.
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History of Hymns: “I Come with Joy”

DALLAS (UMNS) — “I Come with Joy,” found in at least 40 hymnals, was written by Brian Wren as a summation of a sermon series on Communion. It reflects the attitude of coming to the table with joy. C. Michael Hawn of Southern Methodist University’s Perkins School of Theology shares the story of this beloved hymn in his weekly column for United Methodist Discipleship Ministries.
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Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Thursday, Feb. 12
United Methodist Global AIDS Fund United Methodist event — 7 to 8:30 p.m. CST at Trinity United Methodist Church in Kansas City, Kansas. A reception and program will focus on the "Just Save One" initiative. Details.

Sunday, Feb. 15
Transfiguration Sunday — Worship resources from United Methodist Discipleship Ministries.

Connectional Table's last panel on human sexuality, Wesleyan identity and the life of the church — This panel, starting on this date, is available for online streaming at umc.org/connectional-table-webcast.

You can see more educational opportunities and other upcoming events in the life of the church here.

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