Daily Digest - August 29, 2016

“We try to focus on the survivors, and try to serve them as God calls us to do.” — Forrest White, a disaster recovery manager in the Virginia Conference.


How UMCOR helps in low-attention disasters

ATLANTA (UMNS) — Contributions to the United Methodist Committee on Relief help disaster survivors recover from events that never made the headlines, such as a hailstorm that struck Pine Bluff, Wyoming, and tornadoes in Florida and Virginia. UMCOR also supports recovery in more well-known disasters, such as flooding in Louisiana. Susan Kim reports for UMCOR.
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How to donate
Read about Louisiana flooding


Offering support after earthquake in Italy

ROME (WCC) — In a letter to the Rev. Luca Negro, president of the Federation of Protestant Churches in Italy, the World Council of Churches offered prayer and support to those affected by the massive Aug. 24 earthquake in central Italy, which destroyed historic towns and left close to 300 people dead.

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Man charged after threats at church

TEMPLE, Texas — A man who entered the First United Methodist Church in Temple on Aug. 24 and threatened to shoot others and himself has been charged with a third-degree felony. Parishioners fled the church and police were able to subdue the man. The Temple Daily Telegram has the story.
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Grant boosts conference-university partnership

INDIANAPOLIS (UMNS) — A $580,000 grant from Lilly Endowment Inc. to the United Methodist-related University of Indianapolis will help expand a partnership with the Indiana Conference. That partnership helps high school students explore potential careers and volunteer opportunities in church ministry and other faith-based settings.

Read press release


Uniting on prayer, action for creation care

GENEVA (UMNS) — The World Day of Prayer for Creation, initiated in 1989 by the Orthodox Church, has now become a month-long Season of Creation, starting Sept. 1 and ending on Oct. 4, the feast of St. Francis. Pope Francis and other church leaders and organizations such as the World Council of Churches are among those supporting the collaborative effort for both prayer and action.
Read WCC story

Visit Season of Creation website


Commentary: How to be a volunteer-savvy leader

HERNDON, Va. (UMNS) — The vocabulary church leaders use when asking people to serve makes a significant difference, writes Jake McGlothin, director of missions and outreach at Floris United Methodist Church. In a commentary for the Lewis Center for Church Leadership, he offers tips for recruiting volunteers.
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Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.


Tuesday, Aug. 30

Webinar “Practical Guidance for Clergy in Teaching Forgiveness” — 2 to 3 p.m. EDT. The National Veterans Affairs Chaplain Center presents a webinar to help clergy as they help people wrestling with forgiveness of themselves and others. The webinar will focus on the REACH Forgiveness model developed by psychologists. REACH stands for recall, empathize, altruism, committing and holding on. Details


Wednesday, Aug. 31

Early-bird deadline for the Leadership Institute at Church of the Resurrection on Wednesday-Friday, Sept. 28-Sept. 30 — United Methodist Church of the Resurrection in Leawood, Kansas, will offer this training event aimed at helping church leaders to make disciples of Jesus Christ. Speakers include the Rev. Adam Hamilton, the church’s lead pastor; retired Bishop Will Willimon; and Haydn Shaw, an author and generational expert. Sept. 28 is the Pre-Institute. $45 a session for the Pre-Institute and $159 for Leadership Institute. Details

More upcoming United Methodist events

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