Daily Digest - August 17, 2016

“People are terribly suffering because of wars and are constantly on the move to flee from terrorists, groups of militia and other evildoers and leave all their belongings behind them. Please pray also for the church, country and its leaders.” — East Congo Area Bishop Gabriel Unda.


United Methodists among dead from bloody attack in Beni

BENI, Democratic Republic of Congo (UMNS) — A district superintendent in the eastern Democratic Republic of Congo was wounded and two of his sisters were killed when the city was attacked on Aug. 13. Although the government is reporting 51 deaths, the district superintendent said the death toll was closer to 101. The attack is being linked to Islamist rebels.

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MARCHA attendees call on members to vote

SAN JUAN, Puerto Rico (UMNS) — More than 200 members of MARCHA elected a new president, passed resolutions calling on members to vote in the 2016 U.S. presidential election and another calling for an end to discrimination against LGBTQ people in the church. The Rev. Hector Burgos, communicator for the denomination’s Latino/Hispanic caucus, reports.

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Global Ministries head speaks at National Press Club

WASHINGTON (UMNS) — Thomas Kemper, the top executive of the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries, will speak at the National Press Club at 10 a.m. EDT Aug. 19 about being in Istanbul’s Ataturk Airport when terrorists attacked.

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UMCom offers digital advertising grants

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMCom) — United Methodist Communications is now offering 150 digital advertising grants to local United Methodist churches for Advent. The pre-designed, online ads with a Rethink Church message will link to the church website. The ads will be purchased and placed by United Methodist Communications and will help raise community awareness of churches. The application for the Advent grants is open now until Oct. 1 or all ad grant slots are filled.

Read press release 


Panovec to direct West Ohio communications

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — Kay Panovec will join the West Ohio Conference staff as the director of communications effective Sept. 20. In assuming this new role, she joins the executive staff team of Bishop Gregory Palmer. Panovec, an Ohio native, has been chief relationship officer in charge of U.S. partnerships for United Methodist Communications.

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Olympic kayaker ministers with river people

BRYSON CITY, N.C. — The Rev. Wayne Dickert, a member of the U.S. kayak team in the 1996 Olympics, now leads River of Life, a campus of Bryson City United Methodist Church. As WYFF4 in Greenville, South Carolina, reports the man who built his life on the river “now uses the river to help change lives.”

Watch video 

Watch 2015 UMC.org video on River Church 


Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.


Saturday-Sunday, Aug. 27-28

HopeFest 2016: Building Hope for Humanity — Christian music fest to benefit Habitat for Humanity. Milford United Methodist Church, 327 North River Road, Milford, New Hampshire, is the host. Overnight wooded camping sites are available. Performers include Mark Schultz, Jonas Woods, Epic Season, Ryan Stevenson and Rock My Soul. $50 for adults. Children under 12 are free. Details


More upcoming United Methodist events

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