Daily Digest - August 11, 2017

"The elections mean that the glass ceiling is constantly being shaken, and even shattered, over and over again, and I think that is so very important because it says to younger people, younger women in ministry, 'We can do this.'" — The Rev. Telley Lynette Gadson, president of Black Clergy Women of The United Methodist Church.

Clergywomen celebrate 4 black female bishops

CINCINNATI — At the 28th annual gathering of Black Clergy Women of The United Methodist Church, members celebrated the historic elections of four black women as bishops. The goal of the organization is to "identify, develop, support and enhance opportunities" for the empowerment of black clergywomen. Rick Wolcott reports. 
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10th anniversary of prison church celebrated

COVINGTON, Tenn. — A former inmate spoke at the 10th anniversary celebration of Grace Place United Methodist Church about what the church meant to her while she was in prison and after her release. Grace Place is one of two United Methodist churches in the U.S. that are actually located inside prisons. Bessie "Doll" Dodd said that when she was released after 35 years, “the hardest thing was to walk out of those gates and leave my church behind.” Lane Gardner Camp reports for the Memphis Conference. 
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Commentary: Urgent call for prayer for Korea

NEW YORK — A just and lasting peace in Korea and the reunification of South and North are long-standing priorities for The United Methodist Church and United Methodist Global Ministries, Thomas Kemper writes. The top executive for the mission agency called on churches to observe Sunday, Aug. 13, as a day of prayer for Korea. Kemper and Bishop Hee-Soo Jung, president of Global Ministries, also talked about Korea in a video.
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Video features Dreamer clients

SPRINGFIELD, Va.— The National Justice for Our Neighbors, a United Methodist organization providing free legal assistance to immigrants, has been offering assistance to young people to become documented under the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals since 2012. A new video tells the stories of these young people. 
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Commentary: Cal-Pac offering transforming experiences

PASADENA, Calif. — The California-Pacific Conference is offering workshops on transforming congregations, Christian leaders, lives and the world. "Transforming the world sometimes means re-arranging things in our church so that we no longer feel foreign to strangers; switching roles so that their acceptance is primary," writes James Kang. 
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What school did John Wesley found in 1748?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMC.org) — What school was founded by John Wesley in 1748? The answer to this question and others about United Methodist-related schools, colleges and universities can be found in a short quiz.
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Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have a United Methodist event to share, you can add it to the calendar with this submission form.

Thursday, Aug. 17

Functions of an Annual Conference COSROW — 2-3 p.m. CDT. This webinar will cover the role of an annual conference Commission on the Status and Role of Women, including why the conference needs a commission and what it can do for women. Sponsored by the United Methodist Commission on the Status and Role of Women, the meeting will cover the purpose, functions and structure of an annual conference COSROW. Registration required. Details

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