Daily Digest — August 03, 2015

"We’re just two guys who love Jesus, are good friends, love mission, love ministry and love motorcycles." — The Rev. Randy Shrauner who is part of an Arctic journey to benefit Imagine No Malaria.

Sierra Leone works to meet post-Ebola challenges

FREETOWN, Sierra Leone (UMNS) — When Bishop John Yambasu spoke to a trauma healing workshop in June, he was worried about both continuing isolated cases of Ebola in the Freetown area and how to ensure post-Ebola challenges are met. Phileas Jusu, Sierra Leone Conference communicator, has the story.
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Pastors in hog heaven for Arctic ride

FARGO, N.D. (UMNS) — The Revs. Dennis Miller of West Ohio and Randy Shrauner of Oklahoma City are motorcycling circuit riders heading north. Over three weeks and 10,000 miles, the two plan to head to the Arctic to benefit Imagine No Malaria. Susan Passi-Klaus has the story on these masters of Methodism and the art of motorcycle maintenance.
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Wi-Fi problems interfere with election results

MACUNGIE, Pa. (UMNS) — An analysis of ballots for 2016 General Conference delegates retaken during the Eastern Pennsylvania Annual Conference showed that Wi-Fi glitches caused discrepancies with the presentations of ballot results. The problems were reported by Lloyd Speer, conference secretary, and Ruth Daugherty, judge of elections. A new election will take place Nov. 14 at the Macungie campus of Bethany United Methodist Church.
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Proposal for new hymnal endorsed

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — Legislation is heading to the 2016 General Conference that, if approved, would begin the process of developing a new official hymnal and provide for ongoing revision of the hymnal in the future. Boards of the United Methodist Publishing House and Discipleship Ministries have endorsed the proposal. The denomination’s most recent hymnal dates from 1989.

Mission agency commissions 15 young adults

NEW YORK (UMNS) — Fifteen new United Methodist young adult missionaries for the U.S. were commissioned July 30 by the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries. Elliott Wright has the story.
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Church gives kids vacation from cancer

MYRTLE BEACH, S.C. (UMNS) — Surfside United Methodist Church has a ministry that gives children with cancer and their families a vacation in South Carolina. The Wilhides were one of 50 families invited to enjoy a free week at the beach this summer. Lilla Marigza of United Methodist Communications writes about their experience.
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Faith communities add urgency to prison reform

WASHINGTON (RNS) — “Criminal justice reform is not just an issue,” writes Jacob Lupfer in a commentary for Religion News Service. “It is essential to the gospel: Redeemed sinners proclaiming mercy in the name of Jesus Christ.” His commentary notes The United Methodist Church has been “particularly strong” in calls for restorative justice.
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Looking ahead


Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Friday, Aug. 14

MountainTalk, a ministry conversation at United Methodist-related Henderson Settlement in Frakes, Kentucky — The theme is “Preaching and Storytelling,” and the settlement is  bringing in folks who have spent some serious time thinking about storytelling and preaching in Appalachia. Speakers include authors the Rev. Michael Williams, senior pastor at West End United Methodist Church in Nashville, Tennessee; Loyal Jones, director of Appalachian Studies at Berea College in Berea, Kentucky; and the Rev. Charles Maynard, Maryville District superintendent in Holston Conference. $35 (including meals); an additional $25 if you stay overnight. Details

Wednesday, Aug. 19 

Alzheimer's Talks Teleconference — 3 to 4 p.m. EDT. Dr. Scott Mackin, associate professor of Psychiatry at University of California, San Francisco School of Medicine, will speak about his work trying to understand mental illness and late-life depression and how that relates to cognitive decline. Alzheimer’s Talks is a monthly teleconference series produced by USAgainstAlzheimer's to raise awareness about issues. The United Methodist Board of Church and Society is helping with the talks. Details of how to register

You can see more educational opportunities and other upcoming events in the life of the church here.

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