Daily Digest: April 28, 2014

“We need to wake up our world to what can and should be done." – Hillary Rodham Clinton, speaking to the United Methodist Women Assembly. Change the World - Register your event and get a free marketing kit.

Hillary Clinton: ‘Time to roll up our sleeves, make it happen’
LOUISVILLE, Ky. (UMNS) — In her speech to the United Methodist Women assembly, Hillary Clinton highlighted her United Methodist roots and commended the denomination’s commitment to the social gospel.

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Minnesotans surpass 'Million Meals Marathon' goal
MINNEAPOLIS, Minn. (UMNS) — In early February, the Minnesota Annual (regional) Conference launched a hands-on mission project that involved packing 1 million meals through Feed My Starving Children, an Advance Special and a nonprofit that provides life-saving meals to especially needy people all over the world. The conference had hoped to reach the 1 million mark by the end of its annual conference session in May. As of April 24, Minnesota United Methodists and their families and friends had collectively packed more than 1.2 million meals - and there are no plans to stop now. Christa Meland of the Minnesota Conference has the story.

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Couple commits $1 million to fight malaria
HIGHLANDS RANCH, Colo. (UMNS) — Mary Joy and Jerre Stead, active in St. Andrew United Methodist Church in Highlands Ranch, have committed $1 million to the fight against malaria with the hope that the gift will keep on giving. Their donations are through the Rocky Mountain and Iowa annual (regional) conferences.

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Texas church honored for prison ministry
THE WOODLANDS, Texas (UMNS) Prison ministry outreach leaders at Christ Church United Methodist of The Woodlands recently received a Governor’s Criminal Justice Volunteer Service Award. The ministry provides Blessing Bags to inmates, containing toiletries, fresh fruit and inspirational messages.

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Looking ahead
Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Free webinar “Children’s Ministry: Choosing Curriculum,” Tuesday, April 29 —10 a.m. CT, This interactive webinar will focus on some of the aspects to consider when selecting curriculum, including the theological perspective, the teaching perspective and the needs of the students. To register.

Free webinar “Claiming a Missionary Mindset!” Tuesday, April 29 — 6:30 p.m. CT, A look at what it takes to be a missionary to your community. To register.

Early-bird registration deadline for Game Changers Summit, Wednesday, April 30 United Methodist Communications invites local churches to attend a conference Wednesday-Friday, Sept. 3-5 at Gaylord Opryland Hotel in Nashville, Tenn. The event will focus on how congregations can use technology to strengthen international development. $215. Details.

Free webinar “Ordinary Time Doesn’t Have to Be Ordinary,” Thursday, May 1 — 7-8 p.m. ET, With no holiday on which to focus, here are ways to do something different in Sunday school. Details.

Free webinar “Change Requires Something of Us!” Thursday, May 1 — 6:30 p.m. CT, How churches must address change to move from death to resurrection. To register.

Beyond These Walls Mission Conference, Thursday-Saturday, May 1-3 — The event at McEachern Memorial United Methodist Church in Powder Springs, Ga., focuses on churches interested in or doing mission work. The Rev. Jorge Acevedo, pastor of Grace United Methodist Church in Fort Myers, Fla., and Brian Fikkert of the Chalmers Center will be keynote speakers. Details.

Native American Ministries Sunday, May 4 — Offering on this Special Sunday benefits annual conference Native American ministries and Native American seminary students. Details.

Deadline to register for Multicultural Journeys in Worship Conference, Monday, May 5 — Event on reaching multicultural communities through worship, Friday-Saturday, May 9-10, at First Grace United Methodist Church, 3401 Canal St, New Orleans. United Methodist Board of Global Ministries sponsors in collaboration with four United Methodist congregations. $30 per person and $100 maximum per church. Details.

Deadline to register for United Theological Seminary’s “Light the Fire!” Church Renewal Conference, Monday, May 5 — Event Thursday-Friday, May 8-9 at Ginghamsburg Church, 6759 S. County Road 25A, Tipp City, Ohio. $149, Details.

Where Grace Meets Power — Standing for Each Others’ Greatness, Monday through Wednesday, May 5-7 — A United Methodist Clergywomen’s seminar, sponsored by the United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry, Palm Beach Gardens, Fla. Details.

“Elevation” continuing education and spiritual renewal retreat for worship leaders, Monday-Friday, May 5-9 — Lake Tahoe, with Marcia McFee, director of worship at two General Conferences. Details.

Deadline to register for six online courses offered by United MethodistCommunications, Tuesday, May 6 — United Methodist Communications will offer the following courses May 7-June 18: “Communicating Faith in the 21st Century,” Welcoming Ministry 100,” “Web Ministry 100: What is Web Ministry?,” “Moodle 100 — Basic Training,” “Moodle 300: Course Facilitation” and “Connectional Giving.” Costs vary. “Connectional Giving” is free. Details.

Free webinar “Developing Your Ministry Plan 4: Worship, Small Groups and the Next 12 Months,” Thursday, May 8 — 6:30 p.m. CT: Building on the previous three sessions, church teams will be guided in a process to identify key steps for their congregational development. To register.

Albertson Lectures at Wenatchee (Wash.) First United Methodist Church, Friday, May 9 through Sunday, May 11 — Jerry D. Campbell, President of Claremont Lincoln Univ. will speak to the topic “New in the World and Long Overdue." Details and lecture times

Free webinar “Binders Full of Women: How to Create, Maintain and Utilize a Talent Bank,” Tuesday, May 137:30 p.m. ET, part of a series of leadership webinars offered by the United Methodist Commission on the Status and Role of Women. To see schedule and register

A Day of Learning at Adrian College, Wednesday, May 14 — Starting at 1 p.m. ET, Adrian College in Adrian, Mich., will host a day of continuing education for United Methodists in and around the Michigan Area. Sessions will focus on Paul’s Letter to the Philippians, the fight against human trafficking and the connections between the church and the academy. $30. Details.

Deadline to apply for Spark12 grants, Friday, May 16 — Spark12, part of the United Methodist Board of Higher Education and Ministry, provides funding, coaching and other support for young adult leaders and those working with young adults who have innovative ideas they believe will change the world. May 5 will receive a $50 gift card toward resources for their particular ministry. Combined cost of events is $100. Details.

A Gathering of the Aldersgate Covenant, Friday-Saturday, May 16-17 — A 20-hour prayer for revival with guest speakers from across the United States at United Methodist Church of the Resurrection, Leawood, Kan. Details.

Workshop “Transformation: Equipping Churches to Transform Lives,” Tuesday Thursday, May 20-22 — United Methodist-related Huston-Tillotson University in Austin, Texas, will host this ecumenical event. $150. Details.

The 2014 conference of the International Association of Methodist-related Schools, Colleges and Universities, Saturday-Wednesday, May 24-28 — The event is in Hiroshima, Japan and is open to pastors as well as educators. The theme is “Peace, Reconciliation and Human Rights.” Details.

Lake Junaluska Summer Youth Events, June 12 - July 20, Lake Junaluska —Youth Events will focus on being the Body of Christ through service, worship, and community with afternoons free for groups to customize their trip and explore the mountains of North Carolina. Leadership includes Shane Claiborne, Duffy Robbins, Andy Lambert, and more. Register at http://www.lakejunaluska.com/youth.

Prepare: A Training for New Leaders, Monday-Tuesday, June 23-24; and Summer Institute, Tuesday-Friday, June 24-27 — Both events at Emory University’s Candler School of Theology in Atlanta aim to address training, equipping, and building a network for new, seasoned, or prospective United Methodist collegiate ministers.. Collegiate ministers who register by May 5 will receive a $50 gift card toward resources for their particular ministry. Combined cost of events is $100. Details.

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