Daily Digest - April 22, 2015

"It is difficult for me to see how resilient this community has had to become, how tough many of their lives are. But they are not complaining." — Tracy Nolan, director of community outreach for the United Methodist Red Bird Mission.

United Methodists help bring healing water to Kentucky

BEVERLY, Ky. (UMNS) — A communal water kiosk will soon open on the campus of United Methodist Red Bird Mission to provide safe water at “pennies for a gallon” for 6,000 people living in remote Appalachia. Kathy L. Gilbert, Mike DuBose and Kathleen Barry have the story.
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United Methodist Church donates
$9.6 million to fight malaria

WASHINGTON (UMNS) — The United Methodist Church is making a $9.6 million donation to The Global Fund to fight malaria. The gift, which will be presented on Capitol Hill Wednesday, is the single largest contribution made by a faith-based organization to the Geneva-based institution. Follow the presentation on social media with #ImagineNoMalaria.
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How should General Conference discuss sexuality?

PORTLAND, Ore. (UMNS) — Can The United Methodist Church's top lawmaking body debate the church's stance on homosexuality in a way that is not hurtful? The Commission on General Conference is seeking a new way to handle this emotional dispute and met behind closed doors with representatives from five advocacy groups that have a stake in the debate. Heather Hahn reports.
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Divorced clergy barred from nomination as bishop in Liberia

GARDNERSVILLE, Liberia (UMNS) — Efforts to overturn a long-standing provision barring divorced clergy from nomination for bishop in The United Methodist Church in Liberia were rejected by conference delegates on April 18. United Methodists who wanted the ban lifted picketed with homemade signs and sang, halting one afternoon session of the conference. Julu Swen reports.
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Finance agency responds to court decision

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — Leaders of the General Council on Finance and Administration have responded to a Judicial Council decision, ordering that GCFA provide financial restitution to Bishop Daniel Wandabula. The denomination's finance agency withheld some of Wandabula's pay because of financial irregularities in the East Africa Conference, which he oversees. Agency leaders say they will follow the Judicial Council order but remain concerned about enforcing accountability of church funds.
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Ripple effects from Imagine No Malaria

NASHVILLE, Tenn.  (UMNS) — The United Methodist Church's Imagine No Malaria campaign has helped lessen suffering and lower the death rate from that disease. But the campaign is having other benefits for health care in Africa, as a young mother learned and Crystal Caviness reports for Interpreter magazine.
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Council of Bishops to meet in Germany

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) — United Methodist bishops will gather May 1-7 in Berlin to discuss developing vital congregations, the 2016 United Methodist General Conference and other issues.
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Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Thursday, April 23

Upper Room call-in seminar for caregivers — 11:30 a.m. to 12:45 p.m. CDT. The Upper Room event, “Caregiving from the Heart: A Spirituality of Caregiving,” is for all caregivers, both professional and personal. Cost is $19. Details.

Free webinar on "The Committee: Our Purpose" — 6:30 p.m. CDT. This webinar is a reflection on the episode of the United Methodist Discipleship Ministries “Chuck Knows Church” video series. Details.

You can see more educational opportunities and other upcoming events in the life of the church here.

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