Daily Digest - August 30, 2013

Note: Digest will not publish Monday, Sept. 2, but will return Tuesday morning, Sept. 3. Have a blessed and safe Labor Day holiday.

"We need each other across the cultures." - The Rev. Lyda Pierce, coordinator of Hispanic ministries in the Pacific Northwest Conference.

Hispanics share dream for future

BOSTON (UMNS) - The Hispanic/Latino community has eager young people, growing numbers of new constituents and passion and energy for the work of Christ in the world. Tim Tanton reports on the recent gathering of the Methodists Associated Representing the Cause of Hispanic Americans.
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Gloria Holt, prominent lay leader, dies

BIRMINGHAM, Ala. (UMNS) - Gloria E. Holt, a longtime lay leader at every level of The United Methodist Church, died Aug. 28. Among her many church roles, she was a current member of the Commission on General Conference,former president of theUnited Methodist Association of Annual Conference Lay Leaders and presenter of the Laity Address at the 2004 General Conference.
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Ind. pastor named distinguished evangelist

LAKE JUNALUSKA, N.C. (UMNS) - The Foundation for Evangelism announces the selection of the Rev. R. Mark Beeson, senior/founding pastor of Granger Community Church, a United Methodist church in Granger, Ind., as the 2013 Distinguished Evangelist of The United Methodist Church. "Beeson motivates and encourages church planters and leaders with new vision and purpose in fulfilling the Great Commission," the foundation said.
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What does the church say about labor unions?

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) - From its start with John Wesley, the Methodist movement has focused particular attention on the concerns of workers. Justice, dignity and equality for workers are an integral part of the church's social teachings and heritage.
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On Katrina anniversary, Miss. recovery group still working

GULFPORT, Miss. (UMNS) - Mississippi United Methodist Disaster Recovery Inc., an affiliate of the United Methodist Committee on Relief, was born out of Hurricane Katrina with a vision to "help heal hearts and homes." Beth Dean of the Mississippi Annual (regional) Conference reflects on the work the ministry continues to do in the aftermath of Katrina and other storms.
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Fledgling Wesley Foundation visits Africa University

FORT MYERS, Fla. (UMNS) - The Rev. Christy Holden, pastor of the campus ministry startup at Florida Gulf Coast University, wanted students to feel the connection of a mission trip outside the country. With the help of other campus ministries, four Florida university students built relationships with students at United Methodist-related Africa University in Zimbabwe. Susan Green of the Florida Annual (regional) Conference has the story.
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Congregation reaches college students

MORGANTOWN, W. Va. (UMNS) - SuncrestUnited Methodist Church has committed to providing West Virginia University students a place to develop their faith. The university's campus paper, the Daily Athenaeum, shares how the church ministers with young adults.
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Supporting learning opportunities that change lives

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) - At a time when public education has become a political battleground, the church is called to remember, first and foremost, the well-being of all God's children of every age. The new "That's Church" campaign notes that history is filled with stories about how The United Methodist Church has put beliefs into action to ensure everyone experiences the blessing of knowledge.
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Fifty - and 229 - yearslater

HOUSTON (UMNS) - "It may come as a surprise to some folks, but we at least began our social involvement on the right foot," writes the Rev. C. Chappell Temple, senior pastor of Lakewood United Methodist Church in Houston. He talks about how the early Methodist Church in the U.S. eventually backslid from its initial strong stand against slavery - and lessons that failure of resolve offers for today.
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On Miley - a youth ministry response

INDIANAPOLIS (UMNS) - Many U.S. teens by now have seen Miley Cyrus' suggestive performance on the MTV Video Music Awards. Helene Foust, associate director of student ministry in the Indiana Annual (regional) Conference, offers youth ministers some ways to help youth "sift through the junk this world has to offer with Christ-like lenses." She also includes suggested Bible verses.
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