Daily Digest - April 22, 2013

"Being able to keep Love group going and keep the friendships going, it kind of helps it to not be such a huge loss. A little bit of Springdale lives on, even though the church itself has closed." - Karen Newman, a member of a UMW group that has survived its church closing.

Seeing God's presence in a week of tragedy

NASHVILLE, Tenn. (UMNS) - From shock, fear and anger to mourning, emotions have run the gamut this week as U.S. conferences have dealt with tragedies of many scales. Throughout the challenges, United Methodists across the connection have told us how they saw God at work even in the most trying moments.
Read what they said and tell us what you saw

UMW circle still meets 18 years after church closed

SPRINGDALE, Tenn. (UMNS) - When Springdale's doors closed in 1995 after 127 years of potlucks, hymns and sermons, its United Methodist Women's group - the Love Circle - continued in ministry together. Casey Northcutt of the Memphis Annual (regional) Conference shares the story.
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UMCOR responds to Texas emergency

NEW YORK (UMNS) - After a powerful explosion on April 17 at a fertilizer factory in West, Texas, flattened homes and caused dozens of casualties, the United Methodist Committee on Relief approved an emergency grant to the Central Texas Annual (regional) Conference to assist in relief efforts. UMCOR also requests people help by donating blood at a local center or by assembling cleaning buckets, which will soon be in great need, and health kits. These relief kits can be shipped to any of the eight depots in the UMCOR Relief-Supply Network.
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Anti-malaria HBO movie filmed at church

SOUTHPORT, N.C. (UMNS) - When Trinity United Methodist's children's ministry director Sherry Gibbs selected malaria nets as a mission project for vacation Bible school, she had no idea Hollywood would have an interest in her efforts. The State Port Pilot reports on how Trinity hosted part of the filming last year of "Mary and Martha," a HBO movie, starring Hilary Swank, about two women fighting to save children in Africa from that fatal disease.
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Will work for parking

FRUITLAND PARK, Fla. (UMNS) - Keeping the peace can be hard, even labor-intensive. The pastoral settings of the camps and retreat centers operated by the Florida Annual (regional) Conference might look natural, but they don't stay that way without human intervention. Enter the NOMADS and Workampers, travelers who often are retired and seeking a place in the sun to ride outharsh northern winters. Susan Green of the Florida Conference Connection shares their ministry.
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Memorial service for Ruth Harris, retired staff

CLAREMONT, Calif. (UMNS) -A memorial service for Ruth Harris, former China missionary and staff with the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries and Women's Division, is planned at 3:30 p.m. April 28 at Pilgrim Place in Claremont. Harris, 92, died April 7.
Read obituary

Looking ahead

Here are some of the activities ahead for United Methodists across the connection. If you have an item to share with others, email [email protected] and put Digest in the subject line.

Free webinar "Meeting the Needs of Children in Poverty,"April 25 - 10 a.m. CT, from the United Methodist Board of Discipleship. To register.

Free webinar "When Congregations Pray...," April 25 - 7 p.m. CT, the newest in a series of monthly webinars offered by Interpreter Magazine and The Upper Room. Register

World Malaria Day, April 25 - Help fight the disease at imaginenomalaria.org.

In Mission Together, a 50/50 Partnership Roundtable,April 26-27- The gathering, sponsored by the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries, at Christ United Methodist Church, Memphis, Tenn., for U.S. congregations interested in joining in partnership with United Methodist faith communities in Russia/Eurasia. Details.

Church Growth Clinic, April 27 - 8:30 a.m. CT, First United Methodist Church, Sikeston, Mo. Details.

Impact Taylor County 2013 day of service, April 27 - 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. ET, Campbellsville, Ky., sponsored by area United Methodist churches and United Methodist Communications' Rethink Church. Details.

Prayer Journaling Workshop, April 27 - 9 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. CT, Scarritt-Bennett Center, $65 includes lunch and supplies. To register.

Deadline to register for Web Ministry 100, May 1 - Online course from May 8 to June 19, sponsored by United Methodist Communications, $49. To register

Deadline to register for Welcoming Ministry 100, May 1 - Online course from May 8 to June 19, sponsored by United Methodist Communications, $29. To register

Mental Health Initiative training, May 3-4 - Intensive workshops for mental-health ministries, First United Methodist Church, Oak Lawn, Ill. Sponsored by Northern Illinois Annual (regional) Conference, limited to 30 participants. Details

Older Adult Recognition Sunday, May 5 - Resources compiled by the Virginia Annual (regional) Conference.

RENEW retreat for United Methodist single clergy, May 7-9 - Selah Inn at the Ranch, Mount Vernon, Texas. Details.

Mother's Day, May 12 - Imagine No Malaria provides offering envelopes, posters and bulletin inserts to prepare for special offerings on Mother's Day to benefit the campaign, which has significant impact on the lives of mothers and children.Details.

Korea Peace Conference, May 15-17 - Korean United Methodist Church of Atlanta, 3205 Pleasant Hill Road, Duluth, Ga., a forum for church leaders from North America and South Korea to engage in dialogue and reassess the current situations on the issues related to the two Koreas. To register, contact the Rev. Jong Sung Kim at the United Methodist Board of Global Ministries at (212) 870-3955 or [email protected]

Change the World, May 18-19 - Join the United Methodist Rethink Church event that helps build community locally and fight malaria globally. Details.

"Inside Out for the Glory of God," July 12-14 - Eleventh national gathering of United Methodist Men at Belmont University in Nashville, Tenn. Details

School of Congregational Development, Aug. 15-18 - Hosted at Denver Marriott Tech Center, sponsored by the United Methodist Board of Discipleship, Path1 and Board of Global Ministries. Theme is "Encountering God at the Edge." Details

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