A Beautiful Mess- The Messy Side of GC2012

There is a wonderful song called A Beautiful Mess, in the song, Jason Mraz sings, “Hey what a beautiful mess this is, it’s like picking up trash in dresses.” I was talking to a friend this morning and that is the only way we can think to describe this General Conference.

What are we doing here? Are we making a fruitful difference in what we’re doing, or are we more hypocritical in politicizing and silencing the minority voices? I have been discouraged by some of the actions of delegates, almost every day we hear of a new ethics violation and hearing. The reality of the Gospel is that we are called to go, not form a study committee and figure out the best way to approach the broken-hearted and downtrodden, we are simply called to go.

Don’t get me wrong, our words can be empty without the Wesleyan methodology and structure. Let us keep the faith and continue to find solutions to our problems, but this messiness of unChristlike behavior does not bode well for people looking into our church.

So this week, as we strive to go about holy conferencing, let us find grace in this beautiful mess, let us find hope in the mess that is created. Not all messes are bad, not all that is going on here is unhealthy, and we take the good and celebrate it while remembering it with the bad. Isn’t that the beauty of General Conference? Thanks be to God.

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